pp108 : Web service Definition Set Options

Web service Definition Set Options

This topic describes the options for Web service Definition set options that you can choose while building an expression for a KPI.

Web service Definition Set Options




Select New option, if you want to provide a new Webservice Definition set to the KPI. This option is selected by default. The Web service Definition Set Name and Web service Definition Set Namespace fields are enabled; enter a name and namespace in the respective fields. By default, it gets filled by the KPI name.
Note: The Web service Definition Set Name and Web service Definition Set Namespace are mandatory fields and should not begin with a number. Blank spaces or special characters are not allowed.


Select Existing option, if you want to apply any existing Web service Definition set. The Existing Web service Definition Set Name field is enabled with .
Note: The Existing Web service Definition Set Name and is a mandatory field and it should not begin with a number. Blank spaces or special characters are not allowed. Click , and select the Web service Definition Set name from the Select Web service Definition Set dialog. The Existing Web service Definition Set Namespace field remains disabled. Depending on the Web service Definition Set you select, this field is populated with Namespace automatically.

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